Prestashop Change URL

To change the domain name of a Prestashop site, you need to edit the MYSQL database.

Table ps_configuration

Value for following should be changed to new domain.


Table ps_shop_url

Change the “domain” and “domain_ssl” value.

Changing Installation Folder

If you changing the Prestashop installation folder, then you need to change “physical_uri” to the new path. If it is on root directory, use /

Here are SQL commands to change the URL of PrestaShop to “prestashop.test”

select * from ps_configuration where name="PS_SHOP_DOMAIN";
select * from ps_configuration where name="PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL";
select * from ps_shop_url;

update ps_configuration set value="prestashop.test" where name="PS_SHOP_DOMAIN";
update ps_configuration set value="prestashop.test" where name="PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL";
update ps_shop_url set domain="prestashop.test", domain_ssl="prestashop.test" where id_shop_url=1;

Clear Cache

Delete var/cache folder.

rm -rf var/cache

If Product images not showing after site migration, check PrestaShop Product Images not showing

See PrestaShop

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