Reset Plesk Administrator Password

The Plesk Administrator password is a crucial credential that grants access to the Plesk control panel, where you manage your website, domains, databases, and other essential server settings. In this article, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of resetting the lost password.

To initiate the process of resetting your lost Plesk Administrator password, login to the server using SSH as user root. If you don’t have root SSH, you may use “sudo su” command to become user root.

Use the following command to reset the Plesk admin password

plesk bin admin --set-admin-password -passwd 'NEW_PW_HERE'


plesk bin user -u admin -passwd 'NEW_PW_HERE'

Once password is retested, you can login at

User = admin
Password = use password you set above.

If you have SSH root access and want to login with out a password, you can use the command

plesk login

It will generate a special link, that can be used to auto login to plesk with out a password.

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