MySQL cannot connect via localhost

On an Apache server, MySQL can’t connect when you use localhost, but it work when you chane to IP address

Install LAMP Server on Ubuntu/Debian

Install LAMP Server on Ubuntu/Debian

To install LAMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP) on Ubuntu/Debian web server, run This use meta package install LAMP. If you want

Find IP with Most Access from Apache Log

To find IP with most access from Apache or other web server log file, run If you want to see

Apache Show Real IP Address when using CloudFlare

When using Apache web server behind cloudflare, apache logs show cloudflare IP address instead of real visitor IP address. To

Apache Performance Tuning

To optimize Apache web server, run

Redirect site from www to non-www

It is better to make web site available with one URL. Many sites work with both wwww and non-www (naked

Apache Show Real IP Behind Reverse Proxy on CentOS

When Apache web server running behind reverse proxy or load balancer, server log and scripts show IP of reverse proxy


apachectl command is used to interact with Apache web server. To see Apache status To list virtualhost info, run List

Disable Apache Error log in ISPConfig

Disable Apache Error log in ISPConfig

ISPConfig is a free hosting control panel. It come with Nginx and Apache web servrs. You can select one during

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS when using Reverse Proxy

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS when using Reverse Proxy

When you are using Reverse Proxy like Nginx, Haproxy or Amazon ELB in front of web server and web server

Apache run web site as user with mod_ruid2

Apache run web site as user with mod_ruid2

mod ruid2 allow you to run web site as differnt user from the one web server is running. This is

Apache Increase FD limit

On CentOS 7 sevrer running apache, when try to install plugin in WordPress admin area, i get error This is