Upgrade centovacast

To upgrade centovacast installation, run



If you don’t want to upgrade shotcast/icecast/luquidsoap, you can run

for f in /usr/local/centovacast/etc/update.d/80*; do mv ${f} ${f}.disabled; done

This will disable updating these services. Sometimes newer version need a differnt config file, so maybe disabling updating these helps.

[root@centos7 ~]# cd  /usr/local/centovacast/etc/update.d/
[root@centos7 update.d]# ls -la
total 56
drwxr-x---. 2 root centovacast 4096 Dec  3 08:50 .
drwxr-x--x. 8 root centovacast 4096 Aug 17 01:03 ..
-rw-r-----. 1 root centovacast  117 Nov 18  2019 01_cc-common.update
-rw-r-----. 1 root centovacast  134 Nov 16  2019 30_cc-app.update
-rw-r-----. 1 root centovacast  105 Jun  2  2017 35_cc-imaged.update
-rw-r-----. 1 root centovacast  109 Sep 13  2019 35_cc-web.update
-rw-r-----. 1 root centovacast  114 Apr 28  2015 40_cc-comet.update
-rw-r-----. 1 root centovacast  129 Feb  7  2017 50_cc-control.update
-rw-r-----. 1 root centovacast  110 Jun  2  2017 75_cc-ftpd.update
-rw-r-----. 1 root centovacast  100 Oct  2  2015 80_cc-icecast.update.disabled.disabled
-rw-r-----. 1 root centovacast  109 Dec 26  2016 80_cc-liquidsoap.update.disabled.disabled
-rw-r-----. 1 root centovacast  108 Apr 14  2014 80_cc-sctrans2.update.disabled.disabled
-rw-r-----. 1 root centovacast  109 Apr 14  2014 80_cc-shoutcast1.update.disabled.disabled
-rw-r-----. 1 root centovacast  109 Apr 28  2015 80_cc-shoutcast2.update.disabled.disabled
[root@centos7 update.d]#

Updating centovacast

[root@centos7 ~]# /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update

Checking Centova Cast Common Files ...
Downloading Centova Cast Common Files ...                                     

Verifying archive integrity ...                                               
Unpacking archive ...

Installing Centova Cast Common Files ...

Failed to execute operation: Connection timed out
Failed to start centovacast.service: Connection timed out
See system logs and 'systemctl status centovacast.service' for details.
Installation successful

Checking Centova Cast Application Server ...
Downloading Centova Cast Application Server ...                               

Verifying archive integrity ...                                               
Unpacking archive ...

Installing Centova Cast Application Server ...

Stopping any existing Centova Cast web service ...
Attempting to stop web: cc-web 
Stopping any existing Centova Cast application server service ...
Attempting to stop app: cc-appserver 
Upgrading database ...
Installation successful
Starting Centova Cast application server service...
Attempting to start app: cc-appserver 
Re-starting Centova Cast web service ...
Attempting to start web: cc-web 

Checking Centova Cast Image Daemon ...
Not updated, skipping                                                         

Checking Centova Cast Web Server ...
Downloading Centova Cast Web Server ...                                       

Verifying archive integrity ...                                               
Unpacking archive ...

Installing Centova Cast Web Server ...

Stopping any existing Centova Cast web service ...
Attempting to stop web: cc-web 
Installation successful
Starting Centova Cast web service...
Attempting to start web: cc-web 

Checking Centova Cast Comet Daemon ...
Not updated, skipping                                                         

Checking Centova Cast Control Daemon ...
Not updated, skipping                                                         

Checking Centova Cast FTP Server ...
Not updated, skipping                                                         

[root@centos7 ~]# 

See Centovacast

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