Category: General
Connecting to VNC Server from a Mac computer
On Windows and Linux there are many free open source VNC clients available. For Mac, if you google, most VNC clients are paid. But you don’t need a VNC client on Mac.
To connect to VNC server from Mac Computer, go to the terminal, run following command
open vnc://
Find ErpNext Version
To find ErpNext version from command line, run
bench version
frappe@ubuntu-s-1vcpu-2gb-blr1-01:~/frappe-bench$ bench version erpnext 12.1.6 frappe 12.0.16 restore 0.0.1 frappe@ubuntu-s-1vcpu-2gb-blr1-01:~/frappe-bench$
Using Web Interface
Login to ErpNext, then click the Help menu.
Click on “About” sub menu. You will get ErpNext version.
See ErpNext
Enable Developer Mode in ErpNext
To enable developer mode in ErpNext, run
bench --site YOUR_SITE_NAME_HERE set-config developer_mode 1
bench --site set-config developer_mode 1
Method 2
You can manually enable development mode by editing site_config.json file
vi frappe-bench/sites/{your site}/site_config.json
Add “developer_mode”: 1
{ "developer_mode": 1, ... }
Now clear the cache with the command
bench clear-cache
Method 3
login to ErpNext as administrator, then enable Developer mode at
Desk -> User dropdown list -> Set Desktop Icons -> check "Developer"
See ErpNext
Employee Monitoring Software
It is Open Source software. Source code available from github. It is written in C++. It is creted for class room monitoring, can be used for office monitoring too.
Free Plan offers 3 USERS / 3GB DATA STORAGE. Agent available for Windows, Mac and Google Chrome.
check if ffmpeg support H264
To check if ffmpeg installed on your computer support h264, run
ffmpeg -formats | grep h264
See ffmpeg
Enable SSL in PrestaShop 1.7
To enable SSL in PrestaShop 1.7, go to
Admin > Shop Parameters > General
On this page, you need to set YES for Enable SSL. After saving, you can enable “Enable SSL on all pages”.
Using phpMyAdmin/MySQL
You can run following SQL query to enable SSL.
select * from ps_configuration where name="PS_SSL_ENABLED"; select * from ps_configuration where name="PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE"; update ps_configuration set value="1" where name="PS_SSL_ENABLED"; update ps_configuration set value="1" where name="PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE";
See PrestaShop