Dark Web Websites

Dark Web Websites

Dark Web Websites are sites that can only be accessed using tor. Tor websites using domains name with .onion extension

Redirect Subdomain to Subdirectory

Redirect Subdomain to Subdirectory

To redirect a subdomain to a subdirectory, use following .htaccess code. RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*)\.domain\.com RewriteRule ^(.*)$ subdomains/%1/$1 [L,NC,QSA]

DaVinci Resolve

DaVinci Resolve

DaVinci Resolve is a free video editor. Here are some useful shortcuts. Navigation Commands Up/Down Arrow = Move to next/previous

common ports used by services

common ports used by services

How to find out what service is using a certain port? How to change Node Exporter port How to change



nftables https://soldev.app/ https://www.metaplex.com/learn-developers

How to open support request with Microsoft 365

How to open support request with Microsoft 365

Login to Microsoft 365 admin center, from the left side menu Click on “New service request” link. A popup will

How to remove the Google Chrome Reading List

How to remove the Google Chrome Reading List

Reading List is a new experimental feature added to google chrome browser version 89. It allows you to quickly save

How to change Name Servers in Crazy Domains

To change Name servers in CrazyDomains, Log in to your Crazy Domains account. Click on the Visit My Account button.



Some ccTLD domains get deleted X days before the expiry date. You can find the list at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oVNszsvqhxh3hlT1LYMfcwq3lw_e6J7DeBePvN4t2aw/edit#gid=1203932299 Sort by




nextcloud dashboard

Reset NextCloud user password from command line

You can use lost password link in login page to reset password. If you don’t have a valid email set

maildev fake smtp server

Maildev – Fake SMTP server for development

maildev is a fake SMTP server + interface to read the mail. It is useful for web developers during development