Category: General
When you make a copy of your site for development/testing purpose, you don’t need search engines index your site as it will cuase duplicate content.
To disable indexing of a website by search engines, create a file with name robots.txt with following content.
User-agent: * Disallow: /
To Allow all robots, to use
User-agent: * Allow: /
To specify sitemap
User-agent: * Allow: / Sitemap:
User-agent: * Allow: / Sitemap: Crawl-delay: 10
Crawl-delay sets the number of seconds between each page request. In this case, the bot waits 10 seconds before indexing the next page. Bing and Yahoo support it.
Only allow search engines to index the Home page. Deny indexing all other pages
user-agent: * Allow: /$ Disallow: /
For Nginx web server, you can edit the location block and add
add_header X-Robots-Tag "noindex, follow";
Back to SEO
VLC using custom HTTP User-Agent
To change User-Agent in VLC player, go to
Media -> Stream -> Network tab
Click on “Show more options” check box. In “Edit Options” text box, you can specify your User-Agent like
:http-user-agent="MM_Player (Linux;Android 5.1.1) SOKPlayer/3.1.1"
Crypto Currency – Freqtrade is a crypto-currency algorithmic trading software developed in python (3.7+) and supported on Windows, macOS and Linux. – watch digital coin transactions in real time. – Gekko is an open source platform for automating trading strategies over bitcoin markets. – BTC payment processor, self hosted, no fee, easy install with docker. – Open source crypto currency exchange software.
advertising – start your own CPA affliate network.
EasyEngine backup WordPress Database
EasyEngine run database of web sites in a Docker container. To take backup of MySQL database used by a WordPress website, you can run command
ee shell DOMAIN_NAME --command='wp db export'
This will create database backup on document root of the web site.
Backup will be available in your web sites document root
You can also download using
See EasyEngine
For SSH access, you need to chat with support and ask them to enable SSH.
Online support is available at
They will ask for a verification token, you can get it from
SSH port is 22
Enable SSH Access
How to connect a Domain Name Registered Elsewhere in BlueHost
BlueHost India
Editing BlueHost DNS
DNS is edited on the page
But I had some duplicate DNS entry, that was not listed on the DNS page. Talking to support told me to edit DNS at
That showed the duplicate DNS entry.
Install SSL
Go to Advanced, this will show up cPanel. Search for SSL. Click on “SSL/TLS Status”. On the page, you have an option to “Run AutoSSL”.
Paypal Instant Payment Notification (IPN) history
For Paypal Australia
Settings > My Selling Tools > Instant Payment Notifications click "Update". You will see a link there called "IPN History page".