How to create Private Name Servers in GoDaddy (ns1/
Category: General
Here are some maintenance messages you can show on your website while performing maintenance.
We're upgrading our site to serve you better. Please check back in a few minutes. Oops! We're performing some quick updates. We'll be back online shortly. Our site is taking a quick power nap. We'll wake it up soon! Temporary site maintenance in progress. Thank you for your patience. We're sprucing things up! Our site will be back online momentarily. Quick update in progress. We apologize for the inconvenience and will be back soon. Site undergoing a brief tune-up. Please check back in a few minutes. We're making our website even better. Thanks for your understanding! Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.
Simple HTML under maintenance page template
HTML Website Maintenance page template
Simple HTML Maintenance template
For PHP based websites, you can add the following code in index.php
header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable'); header('Status: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable'); header('Retry-After: 1000'); die("We're performing some quick updates. We'll be back online shortly.");
- Connecting to VNC Server from a Mac computer
- kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
To list all packages installed with brew
brew list
To see if a specific package installed, run
brew list | grep package_name
List open ports
netstat -apv TCP netstat -a | grep -i "listen" netstat -Waltn | grep LISTEN netstat -Waltn | grep tcp netstat -anp tcp sudo lsof -n -P | grep LISTEN sudp lsof -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN sudo netstat -tulpn nmap localhost
Restart apache2
sudo apachectl stop
Disable Apache from starting on boot
sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
System-Preferences > Users > Select your user > Start-Objects
Visual Code Studio Tab key not working
When pressing TAB key, no tab get inserted. It switch to UI, selecting “Explorer” in the side menu. Pressing tab again switch the selection to other UI elements.
I have to close the Visual Code Studio to get tab working again.
To fix this, press
This is keybinding for editor.action.toggleTabFocusMode, it allow switching TAB focus.
Hetzner is a german dedicated server provider. – set rDNS/PTR record in hetzner using API.
Hetzner Dedicated Server setup Debian 10 with-out Software RAID
How to setup RAID 0 on Hetzner Dedicated Server
How to install Windows using KVM Console in Hetzner Dedicated Server
Find all sites using a specific nameserver
To list all sites that use a specific name server, you can use the search available on web site
Above URL will list all domains hosted using name servers, replace it with whatever name servers you want to get list of sites.
Website to test Microphone
To see if your microphone is working properly, you can use web site
This site allow you to record voice. Useful when you need to confirm microphone on your computer is working properly.