

chmod command allow you to change permission for a file or folder. Above command chnage permission of file index.php to



Joining files with Cat on Linux

Joining files with Cat on Linux

Joining files with Cat on Linux

I have a movie cut with hjspit. To join them on Linux, run

Linux alias

Linux alias

alias can be used to create custom commands. To see all alias on your computer, you can run command Here

Install bind in CentOS 7

Install bind in CentOS 7

bind is a DNS server. To install bind on CentOS 7, run Enable bind to start on boot Start bind

SSH Port Forwarding

SSH Port Forwarding

On a remote server, we have an application running on Since the application is listening on internal IP address

kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer

kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer

When connecting to Ubuntu 20.04 server using SSH from a Mac computer, get an error On checking the servers log

Cpanel CloudLinux set all users to use alt-php

Cpanel CloudLinux set all users to use alt-php

If your cpanel server have cloudlinux + PHP Selector installed, you need to set all site to use inherit PHP

Ant Media Server

Ant Media Server

Ant Media Server is a media streaming server with WebRTC support. Install Ant Media Server on CentOS 8 Ant

Bash if statement

Bash if statement

Check if first augment to script is –help Check if a file exists and is executable Check if a binary

Install Python 3.8 on CentOS 6 from source

Install Python 3.8 on CentOS 6 from source

To install Python 3.8 on CentOS, you need to install OpenSSL as the one installed by CentOS from yum is

apt-get An error occurred during the signature verification

apt-get An error occurred during the signature verification

When running apt update, i get following error To fix this error, run