

Enable SSL on BitBucket Server

bitbucket server

Enable SSL on BitBucket Server

BitBucket Server alloow you to host git repositories. By default bitbucket server have url in following format To install SSL,

Configure KVM Bridge Network on Debian 10

Configure KVM Bridge Network on Debian 10

Before you configure bridge network, make sure you have bridge-utils installed. You may also need ifdown and resolvconf packages installed



Linux KVM Bridge network on Ubuntu Configure KVM Bridge Network on Debian 10



bash: ps: command not found List process by memory usage

bash: ps: command not found

bash: ps: command not found

On a docker image, when i run ps, i get error To install ps on Debian/Ubuntu, run

Bash Script to Monitor Disk Usage

Bash Script to Monitor Disk Usage

This script will check disk usage on / partition and email you if disk usage is above 80% We can



Read mails in Maildir folder

Read mails in Maildir folder

Read mails in Maildir folder

To read mail from Maildir folder, use mutt. You can run To install mutt on Ubuntu/Debian, run

Unblock an IP from fail2ban

Unblock an IP from fail2ban

To check if an IP is banned by fail2ban, run To unblock an IP, you should find the jail that

VirtualBox 6.1 on Ubuntu

Install VirtualBox 6.1 on Ubuntu 18.04

First you need to add VirtualBox repository Add Keys Do an apt upgrade If you have older version of VirtualBox

Install kvm on Debian 10

Install kvm on Debian 10

To install kvm on Debian 10, run Install libvirt, it is a tool to manage kvm Set libvirtd to start