- How to fix PCIe Bus Error: severity=Corrected, type=Physical Layer
- Unable to detect ICU prefix
- Nginx 413 Request Entity Too Large
- debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
- MySQL ERROR Access denied you need SUPER privilege for this operation
- Can’t locate in @INC
- apt The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found
- Can’t locate Parallel/ in @INC
- Can’t locate File/ in @INC
- bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale
- cannot open shared object file
- Connect to backend failed: connect to lsphp failed: 110
- cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
- OSError: mysql_config not found
- Out Of Memory (OOM) Error
- One of the configured repositories failed (MariaDB100)
- cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Compile Errors
- configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
- configure: error: XSLT configuration could not be found
- configure: error: must have Ogg Vorbis v1.0 or above installed
- gem install error libxslt is missing
- configure: error: “libevent not found”
- configure: error: “curses not found”
- error while loading shared libraries:
- Wrong JPEG library version: library is 62, caller expects 80
- configure: error: No curses/termcap library found
- configure: error: XML configuration could not be found
- configure: error: Please reinstall the libcurl distribution
- configure: error: Couldn’t find pcre.h, try installing the libpcre development/headers package
- configure: error: “mysql headers missing.”
- CentOS Error checking for OpenSSL library … not found
Bash Errors
- bash: locale-gen: command not found
- bash: man: command not found
- bash: ps: command not found
- bash: mysql_safe: command not found
- bash: lspci: command not found
- qdbus: not found
- bash: /usr/bin/man: No such file or directory
- growpart: command not found
PHP Errors
Python pip Errors
configure: error: *** uuid support not found (this typically means the uuid development package is missing)
yum -y install libuuid-devel
configure: error: *** JSON support not found (this typically means the libjansson development package is missing)
apt-get install libjansson-dev yum install -y jansson-devel
configure: *** Please install the ‘libxml2’ development package.
yum -y install libxml2-devel
/bin/sh: 1: pkg-config: not found
apt -y install pkg-config