EPEL – Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux

EPEL – Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux

EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) provide additional software for CentOS and RHEL. You can find more information about EPEL

Set vim as default cronjob editor

Set vim as default cronjob editor

Method 1 Find Replace with Method 2 edit .bash_profile Add Once added, .bash_profile will look like Method 3 If you



xdotool lets you programmatically simulate keyboard input and mouse activity, move and resize windows, etc. To search for an application



brctl show brctl showmacs br0 brctl showstp br0

Change Apache User in Ubuntu

Change Apache User in Ubuntu

On Ubuntu/Debian server, apache run as user www-data. When you install Apache web server on your local computer for developement

Block Country in CSF firewall

Block Country in CSF firewall

CSF firewall can block all traffic from a country or list of countries using the GeoIP database. To block a



zpool is tool to manage ZFS file system. Here are some zpool commands



Install wireguard VPN on Ubuntu VPN

Install wireguard VPN on Ubuntu

Install wireguard VPN on Ubuntu

To install wireguard VPN on ubuntu, run Generate Keys Configure wireguard You can generate wireguard configuration using https://www.wireguardconfig.com



Install Perl Modules Using CPAN

Install Perl Modules Using CPAN

Install Perl Modules Using CPAN

Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) is a directory of Perl modules. To install a perl module, run In the cpan

Load balancer

Load balancer

Load Balancer is used to distribute incoming traffic to multiple backend servers. Here are some of the popular software load