MariaDB ERROR 1524  Plugin unix_socket is not loaded

MariaDB ERROR 1524 Plugin unix_socket is not loaded

After upgrading MariaDB on Ubuntu server, i got following error Users created worked fine. Only root user had this error.

MySQL Initialize Data Directory

MySQL Initialize Data Directory

To initialize MySQL data directory, run This will create /var/lib/mysql dirrectory. For some version of MySQL you can use Example


MySQL Database Character Set and Collation

To change MySQL database char set and collation, run To usee current char set and collation, run You can specify

MySQL cannot connect via localhost

On an Apache server, MySQL can’t connect when you use localhost, but it work when you chane to IP address


MySQL ERROR 1193 Unknown system variable GTID_PURGED

When restoring MySQL backup taken on Amazon RDS, i get error To fix this, open db.sql in text editor, remove

MySQL create database

MySQL create database

To create a database, you can use Example To create a database with specific charset use Or You can use

MySQL root password in VestaCP

MySQL root password in VestaCP

In VestaCP server, MySQL root password is stored in file /usr/local/vesta/conf/mysql.conf, to find MySQL root password, run



MySQL 8 Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements ERROR 1045 (28000): Plugin caching_sha2_password could not be loaded


Disable MySQL bin log on Bitnami

if you have cloud sevrer with less disk space, it is better disable MySQL bin log as it take approx

MySQL server has gone away

MySQL server has gone away

When restoring a MySQL database, i get error “MySQL server has gone away”. To fix this, edit MySQL configuration file.

Aria engine is not enabled or did not start

Aria engine is not enabled or did not start

When starting MaraDB, i got error To fix error, remove the file


Install MariaDB 10.3 on CentOS 7

MariaDB is an Open Source MySQL drop-in replacement. MariaDB provides a repository for various operating systems at To install