MySQL ERROR Access denied you need SUPER privilege for this operation

WHen restoring a MySQL database, i get following error I opened the file in vim editor. On checking line 4382,


MySQL Recovering after a crash using tc.log

After MySQL upgrade from MraiaDB 10.1 to 10.3, MySQL failed to start. On checking log, found On /var/lib/mysql folder, there

MariaDB DEFAULT NULL ERROR 1064 (42000)

MariaDB DEFAULT NULL ERROR 1064 (42000)

When trying to restore a MySQL databse bakcup taken on MySQL 5.7 server to MairaDB 10.1 server i get following


Install MySQL as Service in Windows

When you manually install MySQL from zip, no MySQL service get created. To run MySQL Server as a service in

MySQL 8 apt Error The following signatures were invalid

MySQL 8 apt Error The following signatures were invalid

When trying to install MySQL 8 on Ubuntu 18.04, i get following error To fix this error, run Now apt

MySQL Got error 24 Too many open files

MySQL Got error 24 Too many open files

For ubuntu, see Ubuntu 18.04 MariaDB 10.2 Too many open files On taking MySQL backup with mysqldump, i get following

MySQL open_files_limit

MySQL Out of resources when opening file

On a MySQL server got the error This is because number of files allowed to open by MySQL is set


mysqldump packet bigger than max_allowed_packet

When backing up a MySQL database using mysqldump command, got following error To fix, you need to edit MySQL config

Reset  MySQL 5.7 root password on Ubuntu 16.04

Reset MySQL 5.7 root password on Ubuntu 16.04

First stop MySQL with command Now run On Ubuntu 16.04 server with MySQL 5.7, when i run, i get following

Extract Backup of one database from mysqldump all databases

Extract Backup of one database from mysqldump all databases

When you backup MySQL Server with command You get a MySQL backup file containing all databases. If you want to

MySQL Repair

MySQL Repair

Can’t open and lock privilege tables: Table ‘./mysql/db’ is marked as crashed MySQL Can’t create new tempfile mysqlcheck How to

Can’t open and lock privilege tables: Table ./mysql/db is marked as crashed

Can’t open and lock privilege tables: Table ./mysql/db is marked as crashed

On a Cpanel Server, MySQL did not start. I checked the error log in /var/lib/mysql folder, and found the following