nextcloud dashboard

NextCloud APCu not available for local cache

When trying to upgrade nextcloud, I get the following error www-data@mail:/www/nextcloud$ php7.3 occ upgrade An unhandled exception has been thrown:

How to clear Laravel cache

How to clear Laravel cache

To clear the Laravel cache, run the command You can also delete compiled files from Back to Laravel

How to find java version

How to find java version

To find the java version, run the command java –version Example boby@sok-01:~$ java –version openjdk 14.0.2 2020-07-14 OpenJDK Runtime Environment

PHP Script to verify private key matches SSL certificate?

PHP Script to verify private key matches SSL certificate?

OpenSSL command can be used to verify if an SSL certificate matches a private key file. You need to find

C Programming

C Programming

First C Program

First C Program

To create your first C Program, open any text editor, copy and paste the following code #include int main() {

Codeigniter 3 session not working

Codeigniter 3 session not working

On a web application, session not working. I verified PHP session is working with script When refreshing the script,

Redirect a site to www using PHP

Redirect a site to www using PHP

To redirect a site to URL with www using PHP, you can use the following PHP code Add this code



Vue.js is a popular javascript framework. To install Vue, you need Node.js installed. sudo su curl -sL | bash

PHP script to test IMAP

PHP script to test IMAP

Here is a PHP Script to login to IMAP server.

How to find Laravel Framework Version

How to find Laravel Framework Version

Laravel is a popular PHP framework. In this post, I will show how to check laravel version. To find the



How to find java version war file for testing Tomcat/Jetty wget mv download ROOT.war Put it in webapps folder.