Upgrade ruby gem

Upgrade ruby gem

To upgrade a ruby gem run gem update –system VERSION_HERE Example gem update –system 1.3.7 See Ruby

Visual Studio Code Server

How to Install Visual Studio Code Server

Code Server allow you to run Microsoft Visual Studio Code in the browser. Code Server runs on a remote web



APC Cache is an open source opcode caching module for PHP. You can find documentation for APCu at https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.apcu.php Zend



How to install .NET SDK in Ubuntu 20.04 Install .NET SDK on Ubuntu 20.04 How to create .NET console program

php programming

HTTP 301 Redirect using PHP

You can use the PHP header() function to do redirect. To do 301 redirect, use For 302 redirect, use If

PHP PECL extension

PECL is a repository for PHP Extensions, providing a directory of all known extensions and hosting facilities for downloading and

Redirect a site to HTTPS using PHP

Redirect a site to HTTPS using PHP

This PHP script will redirect website visitors to HTTPS (SSL) URL. You can add this in your index.php of the

Gem – Package Manager for Ruby

Gem – Package Manager for Ruby

gem is package manager for Ruby. To get list of all install packages, run gem list To install a package,

GoLang Hello World

GoLang Hello World

Create a file 1.go with following content package main import “fmt” func main() { fmt.Println(“My First GoLang Program”) } To



Installing golang on Ubuntu 18.04 GoLang Hello World

Installing golang on Ubuntu 18.04

Installing golang on Ubuntu 18.04

To install golang on Ubuntu 18.04, run apt install golang -y

PHP running system commands with exec

PHP running system commands with exec

To execure a system command on a server, use PHP exec function. For example