gonit golang replacement for monit

gonit is a replacent for monitoring software monit. monit was removed from Debian 10 due to security issues and the devloper will not provide a patch for the security vlunerabilty in time for Debian 10 release.

You can download gonit from


root@ip-172-26-14-184:~# gonit status

Uptime                         22h5m41s
Last Check                     2019-08-05 08:23:57.612314368 +0000 UTC m=+79440.116643915
Next Check                     2019-08-05 08:25:57.612314368 +0000 UTC m=+79560.116643915
Pid                            3162
Pid File                       /var/run/gonit.pid
Control File                   /etc/gonit/gonitrc
Socket File                    /var/run/gonit.sock
Log File                       /var/log/gonit.log
Process 'apache'
  status                                        Running
  pid                                              2020
  uptime                                       22h5m41s
  monitoring status                           monitored

Process 'mysql'
  status                                        Running
  pid                                              1911
  uptime                                       22h5m41s
  monitoring status                           monitored

Process 'php-fpm'
  status                                        Running
  pid                                              2014
  uptime                                       22h5m41s
  monitoring status                           monitored

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