Apache Proxy
To proxy requests in Apache The ProxyPreserveHost directive in Apache’s configuration is used in the context of a reverse proxy
How to Delete Website (Virtual Server) in Virtualmin
In the Virtualmin Hosting control panel, websites are called Virtual Server. To delete a website, click on the Virtualmin tab.
MySQL ERROR 1114 (HY000) at line 2137: The table ‘X’ is full
When restoring a MySQL database, I get the following error root@localhost:~# mysql -u sok_user -p’serverok123′ sok_db < parkingcupid.sql ERROR 1114
PHP Script to verify private key matches SSL certificate?
OpenSSL command can be used to verify if an SSL certificate matches a private key file. You need to find
How to display /proc/*/environ file in separate lines?
environ is a file located in /proc/PID/environ, it shows environment variables for a process. If you run “cat environ”, you
How to enable SSL/TLS for Express.js application
For node.js applications, you can enable SSL on the application side or using Nginx or Apache running as a reverse
Watermark video using ffmpeg
To watermark video using FFmpeg, run ffmpeg -i SOURCE.mp4 -vf “drawtext=text=’WATERMARK_TEXT’:x=10:y=H-th-10:fontsize=32:fontcolor=white:shadowcolor=black:shadowx=2:shadowy=2” OUT.mp4 In the above command replace SOURCE.mp4 = file
Lego – LetsEncrypt client
Lego is a Let’s Encrypt client and ACME library written in Go. https://go-acme.github.io/lego Install Lego To install go to the
Install MySQL 8 on FreeBSD
To install MySQL 8 on FreeBSD 13, run pkg install mysql80-server-8.0.25_2 Enable start on boot echo ‘mysql_enable=”YES”‘ >> /etc/rc.conf Start
ERROR 1451 (23000): Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
When deleting a table in a MySQL database, I get the following error message MariaDB [thrkhztbpt]> drop table users; ERROR
Debian 11.0 Bullseye released
Debian 11.0 Bullseye released on August 14th, 2021 is the next major Debian GNU/Linux distribution release. Debian 10 buster is