
ionos Magento Internal Server Error

After migrating a Magento site to ionos shared hosting, internal pages of the site stopped working with “Internal Server Error”.

How to debug Apache VirtualHost not working

On an Apache webserver running in Ubuntu, I added a VirtualHost entry for a domain name. But instead of showing

Apache MPM ITK

Running Apache VirtualHost under separate user with mpm-itk

mpm-itk allow you to run Apache VirtualHost under a specific user/group instead of under the Apache user/group. On Debian/Ubuntu Apache

Apache Location

To only allow requests from a specific IP to a location, use Require ip Require ip

Apache Proxy

To proxy requests in Apache The ProxyPreserveHost directive in Apache’s configuration is used in the context of a reverse proxy

How to Create Custom 404 Error Page in Apache

How to Create Custom 404 Error Page in Apache

A 404 error happens when a visitor comes to your website and the page requested is not found on your

Find what MPM model Apache is using

Apache is the most popular web server, it is Open Source and modular. Multi-Processing Modules (MPM) in Apache decides how

React/Angular Application showing 404 error on refresh

React/Angular Application showing 404 error on refresh

On Apache server, React Application works fine, but if you refresh a page, it shows 404 error. This is because

Restart Apache if failed

Restart Apache if failed

This bash script check web site every 5 minutes, restart the web server if web site is not responding. Create

Starting httpd: (99)Cannot assign requested address

Starting httpd: (99)Cannot assign requested address

On a server, when i restart apache, i got the error # service httpd restart Stopping httpd: [ OK ]

Apache Auto Renew SSL on Password Protected site

Apache Auto Renew SSL on Password Protected site

I have a web site that is password protected using Apache basic autenticiation. I used following code in Apache config

Fix Canonical URL using .htaccess

Fix Canonical URL using .htaccess

When you host a web site, many web hosting providers allow your web site access using multiple urls like,