Move Elastic IP from one AWS Account to Another

AWS Elastic IP is a static, public IPv4 address that you can allocate and associate with your AWS resources, such


How to Open Port on Oracle Cloud Ubuntu Server

Oracle Cloud Ubuntu virtual machines are not compatible with UFW firewall. This is because oracle cloud needs some iptables rules

Google Cloud

How to Recover Deleted Project in Google Cloud

When you delete a Google Cloud Project (GCP), Google will shut down the project, and keep it for 30 days.

How to enable root ssh in Amazon Lightsail instance

Amazon lightsail instances do not allow ssh root access by default. You have to log in as user “ubuntu” or

How to Upgrade PHP on Bitnami WordPress in AWS Lightsail

I have an old Bitnami WordPress server on the Amazon Lightsail server. Bitnami does not support upgrading the PHP version.

How to Open Port in Amazon EC2 instance

By default Amazon EC2 only allow port 22 (SSH) on Linux servers and port 3389 (RDP) on Windows Instances. All

How to export Amazon Route 53 DNS Zone

To export DNS Records for a domain, you can use AWS CLI. First, you need to make an Access key

Amazon Lightsail connect failed

Amazon Lightsail Log in failed – CLIENT_UNAUTHORIZED

When trying to log in to Amazon Lightsail instance, I got the error Log in failed. If this instance has

Copy files from one Amazon S3 bucket to another

Copy files from one Amazon S3 bucket to another

Amazon S3 is a cheap object storage service from Amazon AWS. You can use aws-cli to copy files between S3

How to find Amazon S3 bucket size

How to find Amazon S3 bucket size

To see the disk usage of an Amazon S3 bucket, do the following 1) Click on the bucket name 2)

Kubernetes scale a deployment

Kubernetes scale a deployment

To scale a deploymenet in Kubernetes using kubectl, run kubectl scale deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME –replicas=2 Example kubectl scale deployment my-frontend –replicas=2

Google Kubernetes Engine get credentials

Google Kubernetes Engine get credentials

Before you can run kubectl commands on Google Kubernetes Engine, you need to get credentials, this is done with command