Oracle Cloud

Oracle Cloud – Every free account have 2 servers free for life. Only for development purpose. Allow ICMP (ping) in Oracle

oracle cloud vpc

Allow ICMP (ping) in Oracle Cloud

Oracle cloud do not allow ICMP/ping to compute instances. To enable ping, you need to enable ICMP in the security

Connect to Google Cloud SQL

Connect to Google Cloud SQL

To connect to Google Cloud SQL, run

Amazon S3 CORS

Amazon S3 CORS

To enable CORS for Amazon S3 bucket, add

Google Cloud App Engine

Google Cloud App Engine

To list instances in Google Cloud App Engine, run To create an application To deploy an application

Google Cloud SQL

Google Cloud SQL

To create a Google Cloud SQL database, run INSTANCE_NAME_HERE = this can be anything, lowercase letters, 0-9, for identification purpose

Set Permanant hostname on AWS EC2 CentOS 7 server

Set Permanant hostname on AWS EC2 CentOS 7 server

On AWS EC2 when you boot, hostname set something like To chaneg this, run Example To disable change of

Resize Amazon EC2 Boot Disk

Once you resize the disk in the Amazon AWS console, it gets auto resized on reboot. Sometimes this won’t happen,

VMWare ESXI add SSH key

VMWare ESXI add SSH key

To enable password less SSH login on VMWare ESXI server, add your SSH key to file

VMWare esxcli

VMWare esxcli

To list all running VM, run To list all installed software Example

Google Cloud open a port in firewall

Google Cloud open a port in firewall

To open port 80 globally for all VMs on google cloud project, run

Amazon Route 53

Amazon Route 53

Amazon Route 53 DKIM error How to export Amazon Route 53 DNS Zone