
See gonit golang replacement for monit

monit is a process monitoring service that monitor services, restart if required.

Install monit

monit configuration

Here are monit rules used to monitor apache, php-fpm and MySQL on bitnami cloud server.

# cat apache.conf
check process apache
  with pidfile "/opt/bitnami/apache2/logs/"
  start program = "/opt/bitnami/apache2/scripts/ start" with timeout 90 seconds
  stop program = "/opt/bitnami/apache2/scripts/ stop" with timeout 90 seconds

# cat php-fpm.conf
check process php-fpm
  with pidfile "/opt/bitnami/php/var/run/"
  start program = "/opt/bitnami/php/scripts/ start" with timeout 90 seconds
  stop program = "/opt/bitnami/php/scripts/ stop" with timeout 90 seconds

# cat mysql.conf
check process mysql
  with pidfile "/opt/bitnami/mysql/data/"
  start program = "/opt/bitnami/mysql/scripts/ start" with timeout 90 seconds
  stop program = "/opt/bitnami/mysql/scripts/ stop" with timeout 90 seconds


monitor php-fpm

check process php7-fpm with pidfile "/var/run/php/"
    if cpu > 80% for 2 cycles then alert
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