Pterodactyl File Manager increase 250 file limit

Pterodactyl is an open-source game control panel. When you view game server files, the file manager only lists 250 files

Google Cloud

How to Recover Deleted Project in Google Cloud

When you delete a Google Cloud Project (GCP), Google will shut down the project, and keep it for 30 days.

AtoM PDF thumbnail not working

After migrating AtoM to a new server, PDF thumbnails stopped generating when uploading PDF files. You can regenerate thumbnail for

How to get Contents of a Webpage using PHP curl

PHP cURL module allows you to connect to remote websites and API endpoints to exchange data. To see if you


How to reset CyberPanel admin password

If you have lost the admin password for your CyberPanel, you can reset the password using SSH. Login to CyberPanel

cPanel Server

How to Migrate CentOS 7 cPanel Server to Almalinux 8

CentOS Linux was discontinued at the end of 2021 in favor of CentOS Stream. CentoS 7 will continue to be


How to install Gearman Job Server in Docker

Gearman is an Open Source job server. To install it using docker, first install docker, then run German is

Serve a Django application using Gunicorn

Create systemd service file Add On the above, you need to replace “/path/to/app/backend” with the path to your application. In

How to Migrate MySQL Users to Another Server

I wanted to Migrate MySQL from one server to another. Usually, I could just copy over the MySQL data directory

How to disable MySQL X Protocol (mysqlx_port)

After installing MySQL 8 and checking listening ports with “netstat -lntp”, you will see MySQL is listening on ports 3306

How to install yt-dlp

yt-dlp is a fork of youtube-dl, it can be used to download videos from youtube and many other similar websites.

Limit disk used by MySQL binary log files

You can use following config to keep 7 days bin log After modifying the configuration file, you will need to