
How to upgrade Ubuntu 18.04 to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Ubuntu 18.04 is a long-term support release that was launched in April 2018. It will reach its end of life

Apache web server

How to enable Apache SSL module in Ubuntu

To enable the Apache SSL module in Ubuntu, follow these steps Update apt package cache apt update Install Apache SSL


How to uninstall Imunify360 on Cpanel Server

To uninstall Imunify360, login to WHM, go to terminal and run following commands. You can also run these commands in


Find who added a file to git repo

To find which user and when a file gets committed to a git repository, you can use the command git


How to Open Port on Oracle Cloud Ubuntu Server

Oracle Cloud Ubuntu virtual machines are not compatible with UFW firewall. This is because oracle cloud needs some iptables rules

Cloudflare Restore Real IP Address in Cpanel Server

When using Cloudflare, website visitors visit the Cloudflare CDN server configured as a reverse proxy server. Cloudflare CDN server fetches

Pterodactyl File Manager increase 250 file limit

Pterodactyl is an open-source game control panel. When you view game server files, the file manager only lists 250 files

Google Cloud

How to Recover Deleted Project in Google Cloud

When you delete a Google Cloud Project (GCP), Google will shut down the project, and keep it for 30 days.

AtoM PDF thumbnail not working

After migrating AtoM to a new server, PDF thumbnails stopped generating when uploading PDF files. You can regenerate thumbnail for

How to get Contents of a Webpage using PHP curl

PHP cURL module allows you to connect to remote websites and API endpoints to exchange data. To see if you


How to reset CyberPanel admin password

If you have lost the admin password for your CyberPanel, you can reset the password using SSH. Login to the

cPanel Server

How to Migrate CentOS 7 cPanel Server to Almalinux 8

CentOS Linux was discontinued at the end of 2021 in favor of CentOS Stream. CentoS 7 will continue to be