Enable SSL for a site in EasyEngine

Enable SSL for a site in EasyEngine

To enable LetsEncrypt SSL for a web site hosted in EasyEngine server, run Example See EasyEngine

EasyEngine Could not create user

EasyEngine Could not create user

When creating a wordpress web site on EasyEngine, i get following error This is because EasyEngine try to create a

Enable FTP for EasyEngine Website

Enable FTP for EasyEngine Website

To Enable FTP for EasyEngine web sites, we need to install pure-ftpd. On Ubuntu/Debian, run Enable virtial FTP users In

EasyEngine Create Site

EasyEngine Create Site

To create HTML web site To create PHP web site To create PHP/MySQL web site To enable LetsEncrypt SSL, add

EasyEngine WordPress Database Backup

EasyEngine backup WordPress Database

EasyEngine run database of web sites in a Docker container. To take backup of MySQL database used by a WordPress

EasyEngine Admin Tools

Enable Admin Tools in EasyEngine

EasyEngine come admin tools. This include phpMyAdmin, phpinfo, OpCache GUI, nginx status. To enable admin tool, run Admin tools are

EasyEngine Connect to MySQL Database

EasyEngine Connect to MySQL Database

To Find MySQL root password on EasyEngine, run Or To connect to MySQL console, run See EasyEngine

EasyEngine Renew SSL

EasyEngine Renew SSL

To renew SSL for site hosted in EasyEngine, run You can set a cronjob to run every month to auto

EasyEngine upgrade

Upgrade EasyEngine

To upgrade EasyEngine, run It is recommended you run this in tmux or screen to avoid disconnection while upgrading. Example



EasyEngine is a command line tool to manage/configure Nginx web server. https://easyengine.io/ To install EasyEngine, run Create Web Site EasyEngine