Category: Cpanel

  • Install PHPShield in Cpanel Server

    phpSHIELD is an encoder that encode PHP scripts so no one can read your source code.

    They actually resell SourceGuardian Encoder, so you can install Sourceguardian loaders.

    Cpanel Servers come with sourceguardian loader, to install follow the instructions here.

  • Install SourceGuardian in Cpanel Server

    To install sourceguardian PHP loaders in Cpanel server, run

    yum install -y ea-php56-php-sourceguardian.x86_64 ea-php70-php-sourceguardian.x86_64 ea-php71-php-sourceguardian.x86_64 ea-php72-php-sourceguardian.x86_64
  • Install SSL for Cpanel Server Hostname

    Cpanel will provide Free SSL for the server hostname if the server hostname resolves to server’s main IP address and the server has a valid cpanel license.

    Cpanel will check for hostname SSL when upcp runs. This is run once every day.

    You can manually run an SSL check by running


    If you have a paid SSL, you can install it in

    WHM > Service Configuration > Manage Service SSL Certificates

    If you see previously used hostnames show up in the SSL certificate, you can run

    mv /var/cpanel/hostname_history.json /var/cpanel/hostname_history.json.old
  • Create New Hosting Account in WHM

    Create New Hosting Account in WHM

    To create new hosting account in Cpanel/WHM, login to WHM at


    Now to go

    Home » Account Functions » Create a New Account

    You can also use the search box on left top side of WHM. Search for “create”, then click on “Create a New Account” link.

    On “Create a New Account” page, you need to enter your domain name. User name will be auto generated. Click “Password Generator” to generate secure password. Make sure you copy this password as you need it later for login to Cpanel/FTP.

    Scroll down and click “Create button”.

    Now your hosting account is ready.

    You will be able to login to Cpanel at


    Change PHP version

    To change PHP version for a web site, login to cpanel at


    Once logged in search “php”

    Click on “MultiPHP Manager” button. On next page, you will be able to change PHP version for the web site.

    On this page, click the checkbox right side of your domain name. From “PHP Version” drop down, select the PHP version you need. Click Apply. Now your site have selected PHP version.

  • Amazon Ec2 Fixing Cpanel IP after restore from snapshot

    On an Amazon EC2 server running Cpanel, i had to restore from Snapshot as some data was missing. Once restored, i changed Elastic IP to new EC2 instance. But sites did not work. This is because Internal IP of EC2 instance got changed when you restore from snapshot.

    In httpd.conf VirtualHosts where using old internal IP But this IP was no longer available in the server, new Internal IP was

    rm -f /var/cpanel/cpnat

    Check if sites are still using old internal IP address

    grep -RH "ip:" /var/cpanel/userdata/*  

    To change IP, you need to do the following

    WHM >> Home >> Multi Account Functions >> Change Multiple Sites’ IP Addresses

    1. Select all the accounts showing for the current ip
    2. Select “Change IPs of Selected Accounts”
    3. In the New Address dropdown, you would select the External IP for all the accounts
    4. Select Change IPs

    In Change Multiple Sites’ IP Addresses, drop down listed (Elastic IP Address) and I selected for all sites and is working fine now.

    Now rebuild httpd.conf file with


    See Cpanel Server Behind NAT (Amazon AWS), Cpanel Server

  • Cpanel Server Behind NAT (Amazon AWS)

    When hosting Cpanel server behind NAT like Amazon AWS, Google Cloud etc.. where you have internal IP and external IP, you need to enable NAT so cpanel will map external IP to internal IP.

    First make sure external IP is not added to your server. Now run

    rm -f /var/cpanel/cpnat

    On AWS, this generate a file like

    [root@ip-172-31-39-115 ~]# cat /var/cpanel/cpnat
    [root@ip-172-31-39-115 ~]# 

    Here = internal IP. = external IP.

    Now login to WHM, go to Home > IP Functions > IP Migration Wizard

    Change your sites IP address with INTERNAL IP address.

    Show IP Address Usage will show your external IP address

    Home > Server Configuration > Basic WebHost Manager® Setup > Basic Config > The IPv4 address (only one address) to use to set up shared IPv4 virtual hosts. will show your external IP address.

    See Cpanel Server, Amazon Ec2 Fixing Cpanel IP after restore from snapshot

  • Cpanel Server Block Incoming SPF Failed Mails

    One of the customer email account as getting too much incoming emails from [email protected].

    First i tried to block the sender IP, but they are using too many IP.

    To stop this incoming email, i edited

    vi /etc/exim.conf



    Add below

    deny message = SPF: $sender_host_address is not allowed to send mail from $sender_address_domain
    spf = fail

    Restart exim

    service exim restart

    Now watch the mail log with

    tail -f /var/log/exim_mainlog | grep "is not allowed to send mail from"

  • Enable DKIM on Cpanel Server

    DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) is a way to digitally sign your out going emails. This help prevent spam.

    On Cpanel server, you can install for a site, run

    /usr/local/cpanel/bin/dkim_keys_install CPANEL_USERNAME

    If you want to enable DKIM on all sites on a cpanel server, run following as user root.


    This will also enable SPF.

  • Install Cpanel DNS Only Server

    To install Cpanel DNS Only sever, run

    cd /home
    curl -o latest-dnsonly -L
    sh latest-dnsonly

    if it ask you to remove network manager, run

    yum remove NetworkManager


  • Getting WHM Access from SSH on Cpanel Server

    To get WHM access from SSH, run

    whmapi1 create_user_session user=root service=whostmgrd locale=en

    This is useful when you have SSH key access to server, but no root password.


    Open the URL you get in terminal in a browser, you have WHM root access with out password.

    For Cpanel, use

    whmapi1 create_user_session user=CPANEL-USERNAME service=cpaneld locale=en

    Check if Cpanel Server need reboot from command line

    See Cpanel, Configure Cpanel Server service using whmapi1

  • Install Docker on Ubuntu 18.04

    To install Docker on Ubuntu 18.04, run

    apt install

    On 2018-02-28, the repository have docker version 17.03-2-ce

    root@ok-vm:~# docker version
     Version:      17.03.2-ce
     API version:  1.27
     Go version:   go1.9.4
     Git commit:   f5ec1e2
     Built:        Tue Feb 20 21:53:05 2018
     OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
     Version:      17.03.2-ce
     API version:  1.27 (minimum version 1.12)
     Go version:   go1.9.4
     Git commit:   f5ec1e2
     Built:        Tue Feb 20 21:53:05 2018
     OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
     Experimental: false

    Add your user in docker group

    sudo usermod -aG docker YOUR_USER_NAME
  • Restart php-fpm in Cpanel Server

    To restart php-fpm on Cpanel server, run


    For Cpanel php-fpm, run


    php-fpm config stored in /opt/cpanel/ea-php70/root/etc/php-fpm.conf, pool config available in folder


    php70 is for PHP version 7, replace it with actual PHP version you are using.

    Cpanel Server
