docker images

docker images

docker images command list all docker images (blueprints) available on your server.



To run a project Rebuild project and run To stop all containers in the project To see list of containers

Docker Delete all images

Docker Delete all images

Before you can delete a docker image, you need to delete any container that is based on this image. So

Delete all docker containers

Delete all docker containers

We need to use diff commands to to do this. First lets get list of all containers. This will list

Backup and Restore Docker Image

Backup and Restore Docker Image

To backup docker image, run To restore a container, run Backup and Restore a Docker Container To backup, run To

Docker exec

Docker exec

docker exec command allow running commands inside running containers. See docker

Docker Run

Docker Run

Docker run command create container from IMAGE and run it. Here we run nginx docker image. -d = detach after

Running MySQL inside docker

Running MySQL inside docker

On a Cpanel Server with an old version of PHP, one of the applications requires MySQL 5.6 to work. Since



If you need to try docker on web without installing on your computer, use Docker Install Install Docker on