XFS quota not working RAID 1

On a cPanel server with RAID 1, the quota was disabled on the / file system even after it was

How to run multiple memcached instances

I had copied a PrestaShop site to another domain. Both domains are on same server, using same Memcached server for

userauth_pubkey: key type ssh-rsa not in PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms

When login to an Ubuntu 22.04 server using FileZilla SFTP, got login failed error. Status: Connecting to… Response: fzSftp


How to Migrate CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8

Upgrade CentOS 7 to latest version with yum update -y Reboot the server reboot Install elevate repo rpm file yum

libXss.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

When running chrome, i get error message /home/serverok/node_modules/puppeteer/.local-chromium/linux-641577/chrome-linux/chrome: error while loading shared libraries: libXss.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No

How to sync NTP time with chrony

chrony is a network time protocol (NTP) implementation. It can be used to keep server time sync with NTP servers.

How to sync NTP time with systemd-timesyncd

systemd-timesyncd is a system service in Linux operating systems that provides time synchronisation with NTP servers. It continuously adjusts the


How to uninstall Imunify360 on Cpanel Server

To uninstall Imunify360, login to WHM, go to terminal and run following commands. You can also run these commands in

Pterodactyl File Manager increase 250 file limit

Pterodactyl is an open-source game control panel. When you view game server files, the file manager only lists 250 files

AtoM PDF thumbnail not working

After migrating AtoM to a new server, PDF thumbnails stopped generating when uploading PDF files. You can regenerate thumbnail for


How to reset CyberPanel admin password

If you have lost the admin password for your CyberPanel, you can reset the password using SSH. Login to the

How to install yt-dlp

yt-dlp is a fork of youtube-dl, it can be used to download videos from youtube and many other similar websites.