To mirror a web site for local viewing, you can use
wget --mirror --convert-links --html-extension --wait=2 -o log
–convert-links = After downloading, convert the links suitable for local viewing.
To mirror a web site for local viewing, you can use
wget --mirror --convert-links --html-extension --wait=2 -o log
–convert-links = After downloading, convert the links suitable for local viewing.
On on Jira Server, when accessing the site get following error
JIRA — Internal Server Error
Error reference: b64e4876-0fc1-439a-a46d-4a3255a48230Unable to render full error details at this time. Please consult the error logs for more information.
The problem was disk full.
root@jira /var/atlassian/application-data/jira # du -h –max-depth=1
1.1M ./analytics-logs
4.0G ./plugins
293M ./log
72K ./structure
32M ./tmp
11M ./caches
632K ./logs
52K ./tempo
32G ./export
368M ./data
96K ./import
352K ./monitor
4.0K ./logos
8.5M ./bt-templates
37G .
root@jira /var/atlassian/application-data/jira #
The folder /var/atlassian/application-data/jira/export used 32 GB disk space. This folder store daily backups.
I removed some of the older backups last last year, restarted the server, that fixed the problem.
To avoid this happening again, set a cronjob
vi /usr/serverok/
#!/bin/bash /bin/find /var/atlassian/application-data/jira/export/ -type f -mtime +60 -name "*.zip" -delete
This will delete files older than 60 days.
Set it to run daily with crontab -e
@daily /usr/serverok/ > /dev/null 2>&1
Edit your pool file
vi /etc/php/7.0/fpm/pool.d/www.conf
catch_workers_output = yes php_flag[display_errors] = on php_admin_value[error_log] = /var/log/fpm-php.www.log php_admin_flag[log_errors] = on
if you only enable “log_errors”, then errors go to default nginx error log.
Remount a file system in rw mode
mount -o remount,rw /
On Ubuntu, install cifs-utils
apt-get install cifs-utils
First create a directory on which we can mount the windows share
mkdir /media/SHARE_NAME
Now create a file to store windows share username and password.
vi /etc/SHARE_NAME.smbcredentials
Add following to the file
Now run
mount -t cifs // /media/SHARE_NAME -o credentials=/etc/SHARE_NAME.smbcredentials,uid=LINUX_USER_NAME,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm,rw,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0666 – Replace with IP of your Windows computer with share.
LINUX_USER_NAME – Replace with the Linux user name you want the files to be owned.
To make share mounted on boot, edit
vi /etc/fstab
// /media/SHARE_NAME cifs credentials=/etc/SHARE_NAME.smbcredentials,uid=LINUX_USER_NAME,gid=GID_OF_LINUX_USER,_netdev,iocharset=utf8,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0666 0 0
When you run VPS on OVH network behind bridge network, you need to create VMAC for each IP and assign to your network card.
Once this is done, you need to use following network configuration in your /etc/network/inferfaces file.
auto lo ens18 iface lo inet loopback auto ens18 iface ens18 inet static address FAILOVER_IP netmask broadcast FAILOVER_IP post-up ip route add GATEWAY_IP dev ens18 post-up ip route add default via GATEWAY_IP dev ens18 pre-down ip route del GATEWAY_IP dev ens18 pre-down ip route del default via GATEWAY_IP dev ens18
FAILOVER_IP = the IP you will be using for the virual machine.
GATEWAY_IP = IP of the Host server with last digits replaced by 254. If your servers main IP is XX.YY.ZZ.100, then Your GATEWAY_IP is XX.YY.ZZ.254
Here is an example config file i use in one of my VPS
auto ens18 iface ens18 inet static address netmask broadcast dns-nameservers post-up ip route add dev ens18 post-up ip route add default via dev ens18 pre-down ip route delete dev ens18 pre-down ip route delete default via dev ens18
I made a pull request to OVH as OVH documentation use route command, that is deprecated in Debian 9 and Ubuntu 18.04. We need to use “ip route” command instead of “route” command.
To resize gcow2 image, run
qemu-img resize FILE.qcow2 +10GB
To create a gcow2 image, run
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o preallocation=metadata 10G
You can also use
virt-resize --debug --expand /dev/vda1 FILE.qcow2
virt-resize is part of
When connecting to FTP server from a remote server hosted in Microsoft Azure i get error
500 I won’t open a connection to x.x.x.x (only to y.y.y.y)
This is because you are behind NAT firewall and trying to use FTP in Active mode.
To fix the error, enable FTP passive mode with command
To extract a tar file, run
tar xf file.tar.gz
Uncompress tar.gz file
tar -zxvf ncftp-3.2.2-src.tar.gz
Uncompress tar.bz2 file
tar -jxvf ncftp-3.2.2-src.tar.bz2
tar -cvf file.tar FOLDER_OR_FILE_NAME
tar -cvf backup.tar public_html
Once backup.tar file is created, you can make it tar.gz with command
gzip backup.tar
To exclude a folder, you can use –exclude option.
tar cvf backup.tar --exclude=public_html/uploads --exclude=public_html/wordpress public_html
tar --list --verbose --file=BACKUP.tar.gz
If you want to exclude a folder from the file list, use
tar --list --verbose --file=BACKUP.tar.gz --exclude=home/haridy/Maildir
This will exclude all files that are inside folder “home/haridy/Maildir”. You can use multiple –exclude if required.
Using tar over SSH Session
Split Large file into smaller files
How to view the contents of tar.gz file
When I install Debian 9 from CD, it did install with /etc/apt/sources.list pointing to CD.
To get this work properly, you need to edit the file
vi /etc/apt/sources.list
Replace content with
deb stretch/updates main deb-src stretch/updates main deb stretch-updates main deb-src stretch-updates main deb stable main contrib non-free
When compiling PHP, i get following error.
checking whether to enable internationalization support… yes
checking for icu-config… no
checking for location of ICU headers and libraries… not found
configure: error: Unable to detect ICU prefix or no failed. Please verify ICU install prefix and make sure icu-config works.
To fix, install libicu dev package.
yum -y install libicu-devel
On Debian/Ubuntu
apt -y install libicu-dev
Here is some info for checking speed for various data centers.
OVH Sydney, Australia
Test IPv4 : Test IPv6 : 2402:1f00:8100:211::1 Test files : Test latency : Looking Glass: Network status:
OVH, Singapore
Test IPv4 : Test IPv6 : 2402:1f00:8000:261::1 Test files : Test latency : Looking Glass: Network status: