Start meguca on boot

Start meguca on boot

Meguca is an open source annonymouse imageboard written in Go Lang and Node.js To start Meguca on boot, you



Verify if a name server is registered with Find all sites using a specific nameserver Change Nameservers How to change



To find IP of a domain, use To find MX record for a domain, use To see TXT records, run

Start a program after reboot using cronjob

Start a program after reboot using cronjob

To start a program using cronjob, create a cronjob like On system boot, the command “/root/” will be executed.

Install memcached on CentOS 7

Install memcached on CentOS 7

To install memcached on CentOS 7, run Set memcached to start on boot Start memcached with Installing PHP Module You

Ubuntu 18.04 Remove Trash Icon from Desktop

First find the Trash related settings with gsettings command. To disable the Trash Icon on desktop, run Method 2 If



CentOS 7 Grub 2 grubby OVH CentOS 7 server grub rescue prompt RHEL Based – AlmaLinux, CentOS, RockeyLinux, Oracle Linux

Haproxy Site With SSL

Haproxy Site With SSL

To handle SSL/HTTPS traffic on haproxy, use following config in your /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg file. domain.pem SSL certificate of your domain in

How to check if systemctl service is enabled

How to check if systemctl service is enabled

To check if a systemctl service is enabled, run Example You can enable the service, so it run at boot

Auto Start pm2 on boot

Auto Start pm2 on boot

To auto start pm2 on boot, run This will generate auto start script for your system. Once you started all



.database Show location of the database file. sqlite> .database main: /root/config.db sqlite> .tables List tables in a database sqlite> .tables

lftp Fatal error: Certificate verification: Not trusted

lftp Fatal error: Certificate verification: Not trusted

When i connect to an FTP server, i get following error To fix this, run You can add this to