Category: Linux

  • Downloading youtube video from commandline

    youtube-dl is a python package that allows you to download videos from youtube. You can also use yt-dlp, that is an actively maintained fork of youtube-dl.

    You can install it on Ubuntu with the command

    apt install youtube-dl -y

    On CentOS

    yum install python-pip
    pip install youtube-dl

    To download a video, use

    youtube-dl -f 18

    To download only audio, use

    youtube-dl -f 140

    Replace youtube video URL with URL of the video you need to download.

    To see all available formats for download, run

    [root@server12 dn]# youtube-dl -F
    [youtube] Confirming age
    [youtube] VIDEO_ID: Downloading webpage
    [youtube] VIDEO_ID: Downloading video info webpage
    [youtube] VIDEO_ID: Extracting video information
    [youtube] VIDEO_ID: Downloading DASH manifest
    [info] Available formats for VIDEO_ID:
    format code extension resolution  note 
    139         m4a       audio only  DASH audio   56k , audio@ 48k (22050Hz), 42.01MiB (worst)
    140         m4a       audio only  DASH audio  136k , audio@128k (44100Hz), 111.80MiB
    141         m4a       audio only  DASH audio  262k , audio@256k (44100Hz), 222.02MiB
    160         mp4       256x144     DASH video  130k , video only, 89.70MiB
    133         mp4       426x240     DASH video  274k , video only, 213.53MiB
    134         mp4       640x360     DASH video  608k , video only, 259.05MiB
    135         mp4       854x480     DASH video 1117k , video only, 559.52MiB
    136         mp4       1280x720    DASH video 2244k , video only, 1.15GiB
    17          3gp       176x144     
    36          3gp       320x240     
    5           flv       400x240     
    43          webm      640x360     
    18          mp4       640x360     
    22          mp4       1280x720    (best)
    [root@server12 dn]# 
  • LiteSpeed Web Server

    LiteSpeed is a high performance web server.

    Login to the admin interface at


    To check the version, run

    # /usr/local/lsws/bin/lshttpd -v
    LiteSpeed/5.3 Enterprise

    To check the license, run

    # /usr/local/lsws/bin/lshttpd -V
    [OK] Leased license key 1 will expire in 11 days!
    2018-09-26 19:32:39.183054 [NOTICE] Memory size is: 65633856KB.
    2018-09-26 19:32:39.622593 [NOTICE] [OK] Updated license key has been created at /usr/local/lsws/conf/license.key.

    To see status, run

    # /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl status
    litespeed is running with PID 19512.

    Restart litespeed

    /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl restart

    Reset admin password

  • netstat

    To install netstat on Ubuntu/Debian, run

    apt install net-tools

    To see all connections, run

    netstat -antp

    To see all listening connections, run

    netstat -lntp

    To see routing table

    netstat -r

    To monitor connections to port 80 and 443

    netstat -ctupne | grep ESTABLISHED | cut -c45-1000 | grep -E ':443|:80' > connections.txt
    cat connections.txt | cut -c1-50 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n > uniq.txt

    To see open ports on Windows

    netstat -aon
  • Ubuntu show package information

    To see information about a package, run

    apt-cache showpkg PKG_NAME
  • Ubuntu find Dependencies for a package

    To find dependencies for a package, run

    apt-cache depends PACKAGE_NAME


    root@ubuntu-s-4vcpu-8gb-nyc1-01:~# apt-cache depends php7.2
     |Depends: libapache2-mod-php7.2
     |Depends: php7.2-fpm
      Depends: php7.2-cgi
      Depends: php7.2-common

    In above example, when you install php7.2, it install “libapache2-mod-php7.2”, that will install Apache web server. I had a server with ngtinx, when i install php7.2 package, apache get installed.

    You can also use

    apt depends PACKAGE_NAME

    To find reverse dependency, run

    apt-cache rdepends PACKAGE_NAME


  • Upgrade MariaDB 5.5 to 10.1 on CentOS 7 Plesk Server

    EDIT 2022-05: Now Plesk has an easy MySQL upgrade script, to do the upgrade, run

    wget && chmod +x

    For more information, see

    CentOS 7 Plesk Server come with MariaDB 5.5

    [root@224 ~]# mysql --version
    mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 5.5.60-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1
    [root@224 ~]# 

    The rpm packages installed where

    [root@224 ~]# rpm -qa | grep -i maria
    [root@224 ~]# 

    To upgrade MariaDB, first take a backup of all databases.

    mysqldump -u admin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` --all-databases --routines --triggers > /root/all-databases.sql

    Stop MariaDB databases

    service mariadb stop

    Make another backup of data files

    cp -a /var/lib/mysql/ /var/lib/mysql_backup

    Create file

    vi /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo

    Add following content

    name = MariaDB 
    baseurl = 
    gpgkey = 
    gpgcheck = 1

    Now run

    yum install MariaDB-client MariaDB-server

    This will upgrade your MariaDB 5.5 to MariaDB 10.1

    Start MariaDB

    service mariadb start

    At this point, you have newer MariaDB 10.1

    [root@224 ~]# mysql --version
    mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.1.36-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1
    [root@224 ~]# 

    You need to upgrade databases, for this, run

    MYSQL_PWD=`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` mysql_upgrade -uadmin

    Restart MariaDB

    service mariadb restart

    update the package version inside Plesk

    plesk sbin packagemng -sdf

    Remove old MySQL symlink

    rm -f /etc/init.d/mysql
    systemctl daemon-reload

    Back to Plesk

  • Open MySQL Port 3306 in CentOS 7

    To allow MySQL to connect from remote server on CentOS 7 server, you need to enable port 3306 in firewall.

    To do this, edit file

    vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables


    -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

    Add above

    -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT

    Restart server.

  • yum repolist

    List all Repositories

    yum repolist

    List packages from a specific repo

    Following command disable all repos and enable EPEL repo.

    yum list available  --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=epel

    See yum

  • Install python 3.6 on CentOS 7

    CentOS 7 come with Python 2.7. To install python 3.6, first install the EPEL repo.

    yum install epel-repo -y

    Install IUS repo.

    For CentOS 7, run

    rpm -ivh

    Now you can install Python 3.6 with yum

    yum install python36u python36u-pip -y

    Python 3.6 binary will be available as “python3.6” and “pip3.6”

  • Install Python 2.7 on CentOS 6

    CentOS 6 comes with python 2.6, to install python 2.7, first install gcc and dependencies yum

    yum -y install gcc
    yum -y install openssl-devel libzip-devel zlib-devel libcurl-devel libcurl

    Download latest Python 2.7 from

    For Python 2.7.2 (latest at the time of writing this post).

    cd /usr/local/src
    tar xvf Python-2.7.2.tgz 
    cd Python-2.7.2
    make altinstall

    We use “make altinstall” so python will be installed as python2.7. If you do “make install”, it replace system python binary and break CentOS.

    Install pip

  • Using Host Header in curl

    When you have multiple websites hosted on a server, if you want to access one of the site using curl to IP of the server, then you need to pass the Host header value.

    For example

    curl --header "Host:" SERVER_IP_HERE

    If you want to show debug info, add –verbose

    curl --verbose --header "Host:" SERVER_IP_HERE

    Here is another way to do it

    curl --connect-to ::

    Back to curl