Category: Linux

  • nslookup

    To find IP of a domain, use


    To find MX record for a domain, use

    nslookup -q=mx

    To see TXT records, run

    nslookup -q=txt

    Asking Authritative Name Servers

    When you run nslookup, it checks with caching name servers, generally provided by your ISP. But these are not authoritative name servers for your domain name. These caching name servers cache any DNS result for several hours depending on TTL (Time To Live) value in a domain’s DNS zone. If you are debugging some DNS problems, you need to ask domains authoritative name servers, that you can find by taking whois of a domain name.

    Here is an example


    If you take whois of, you will see the domain use name servers

    Name Server:
    Name Server:

    To find MX record of the domain, you can use

    nslookup -q=mx

    But what you get is the cached result from a non-authoritative name server. To get an authoritative result, you need to use the following command

    nslookup -q=mx

    Here is one of the name servers used by, that you find from whois. You can use any of the name servers with the nslookup command.

    What it does is, ask the name server (authoritative name server) what is the MX record for the domain

    Install nslookup on ArchLinux
    Find Reverse-DNS/PTR using dig, nslookup, host
    How to verify rDNS (reverse DNS)/PTR Record

  • Start a program after reboot using cronjob

    To start a program using cronjob, create a cronjob like

    @reboot /root/

    On system boot, the command “/root/” will be executed.

  • Install memcached on CentOS 7

    To install memcached on CentOS 7, run

    yum -y install memcached

    Set memcached to start on boot

    systemctl enable memcached

    Start memcached with

    systemctl start memcached

    Installing PHP Module

    You need remi repository installed, which provide a memcached module for all versions of php they support.

    For PHP 5.6, run

    yum install php-memcache

    Now phpinfo() will show

    centos 7 php memcache

    See memcached

  • Ubuntu 18.04 Remove Trash Icon from Desktop

    Ubuntu 18.04 Remove Trash Icon from Desktop

    First find the Trash related settings with gsettings command.

    boby@ok-pc-01:~$ gsettings  list-recursively | grep -i trash
    org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.nautilus confirm-trash true
    org.gnome.desktop.privacy remove-old-trash-files false
    org.gnome.eog.ui disable-trash-confirmation false
    org.gnome.nautilus.preferences confirm-trash true
    org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-move-to-trash-shortcut-changed-dialog true
    org.gnome.DejaDup exclude-list ['$TRASH', '$DOWNLOAD']
    org.gnome.nautilus.desktop trash-icon-name 'Trash'
    org.gnome.nautilus.desktop trash-icon-visible true

    To disable the Trash Icon on desktop, run

    gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.desktop trash-icon-visible false

    Method 2

    If you have gnome tweaks tool installed, go to Desktop, you have option to disable Trash Icon.

    Ubuntu 18.04 remove trash

    See Ubuntu 18.04

  • grub

    CentOS 7 Grub 2
    OVH CentOS 7 server grub rescue prompt

    RHEL Based – AlmaLinux, CentOS, RockeyLinux, Oracle Linux

    Regenerate grub config

    grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
    grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/centos/grub.cfg
    grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/almalinux/grub.cfg

    grub config on RHEL


    To install Grub, run

    /sbin/grub2-install /dev/sda

    To see all available kernels

    awk -F\' '$1=="menuentry " {print i++ " =  "$2}' /etc/grub2.cfg

    If all kernels not showing, edit

    vi /etc/default/grub



    Rebuild grub

    grub2-mkconfig -o /etc/grub2.cfg

    To set default Kernel

    grub2-set-default 0

    To see the current Kernel

    grub2-editenv list

    Reinstall kernel and set it to default

    yum reinstall kernel
    grub2-set-default 0
    grubby --set-default 0


    sudo update-grub
    /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
  • Haproxy Site With SSL

    To handle SSL/HTTPS traffic on haproxy, use following config in your /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg file.

    frontend https-frontend-new
    	bind :::443 ssl crt domain.pem
    	acl https ssl_fc
    	http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto http  if !https
    	http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if https
    	option forwardfor
    	acl secured_cookie res.hdr(Set-Cookie),lower -m sub secure
    	http-response replace-header Set-Cookie (.*) \1;\ secure if https !secured_cookie
    	default_backend https-backend-new
    backend https-backend-new
    	balance static-rr
    	option httpchk
    	cookie SRV insert indirect nocache maxidle 30m maxlife 8h
    	server web1 BACKEND_SERVER_IP:443 check ssl verify none


    SSL certificate of your domain in PEM format. This is done by using combining your SSL cert, private key and ca bundle.

    cat yourdomain.crt yourdomain.key > yourdomain.pem

    If you have more sites with SSL, you can specify SSl certs like

    bind :::443 ssl crt domain.pem crt domain-2.pem crt domain-3.pem


    This is IP of your back end server.

    Restart Haproxy with

    systemctl restart haproxy
  • How to check if systemctl service is enabled

    To check if a systemctl service is enabled, run

    systemctl is-enabled SERVICE_NAME


    [root@mail ~]# systemctl is-enabled memcached
    [root@mail ~]#

    You can enable the service, so it run at boot with command

    [root@mail ~]# systemctl enable memcached
    Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/memcached.service.
    [root@mail ~]# 

    To check if a service is enabled to start on boot, run

    systemctl list-unit-files | grep SERVICE_NAME_HERE


    [root@ok ~]# systemctl list-unit-files | grep httpd
    httpd.service                                 enabled 
    [root@ok ~]# 
  • Auto Start pm2 on boot

    To auto start pm2 on boot, run

    pm2 startup

    This will generate auto start script for your system.

    Once you started all applications, you can save it with

    pm2 save

    To uninstall, run

    pm2 unstartup systemd

    Running Application as Normal User

    First login as the user, then start the application using pm2.

    pm2 start app.js

    Now save it.

    pm2 save

    Generate command for auto startup

    pm2 startup

    It will show a command. That you need to run as user root. If you have sudo privilage, you can run it with sudo as same user.

    This will create a service with name pm2-USERNAME.

    After reboot, you will be able to check status with command

    systemctl status pm2-USERNAME

    See pm2

  • sqlite


    Show location of the database file.

    sqlite> .database
    main: /root/config.db


    List tables in a database

    sqlite> .tables


    To see data from table, use select statement like you do in MySQL.

    select * from TABLE_NAME;


    To see how a table is created, use

    .schema TABLE_NAME

    This is equivalent to “show create table TABLE_NAME;” command in MySQL.

  • lftp Fatal error: Certificate verification: Not trusted

    When i connect to an FTP server, i get following error

    root@hestia-lnx:~# lftp -u sokftp
    lftp [email protected]:~> dir                   
    ls: Fatal error: Certificate verification: Not trusted
    lftp [email protected]:~> ls -la
    ls: ls -la: Fatal error: Certificate verification: Not trusted
    lftp [email protected]:~>

    To fix this, run

    set ssl:verify-certificate no

    You can add this to /etc/lftp.conf to make this permanant

    vi  /etc/lftp.conf


    set ssl:verify-certificate no

    See lftp

  • SSH Remember Passphrase

    When i connect to remote server using SSH using private key, it ask for passphrase every time.

    root@admin:~# ssh [email protected]
    Enter passphrase for key '/root/.ssh/id_rsa': 

    I want it only ask once, then remember it.

    To do this, you need to run

    eval `ssh-agent -s`

    When you run “ssh-add” command, it ask for your passphrase. Now you will be able to use your SSH Key with out getting promoted for passphrase.

    See ssh