Plesk Backup

To bakcup a site using SSH, login to server as user root, run the command plesk bin pleskbackup –domains-name

Reset Plesk Administrator Password

The Plesk Administrator password is a crucial credential that grants access to the Plesk control panel, where you manage your

Cloudflare Show Real IP Address on CentOS Plesk Server

Cloudflare is a popular Content Delivery Network (CDN) that can greatly improve website performance and security. When using Cloudflare CDN,

How to upgrade Plesk on Windows Server?

To upgrade Plesk control panel to the latest version on Windows Server, do the following 1) Log in to Windows

Plesk Debian 8 General error: 23 Out of resources when opening

On a Debian 8 server with Plesk control panel, on the Plesk login page, I got the following error message

How to access SSH Terminal in Plesk Server

Plesk server has an SSH Terminal feature, that allows you to access the server console and run commands. This is

Plesk Error: There is no IP address X in the pool

After a Plesk server crash, I migrated files over to a new server. When I log in to Plesk and

Apache web server

Cloudflare Restoring Visitor IP in Ubuntu Plesk Apache Server

When using Cloudflare CDN, visitors come to the Cloudflare server and Cloudflare fetches pages from your server and sent to

Disable open_basedir in plesk server

open_basedir is a PHP security feature. With open_basedir enabled, your web application can only access files within specifically allowed folders.

Remove a Plesk Extension from command line

Remove a Plesk Extension from command line

To list all plesk extension, run plesk bin extension –list To remove a Plesk extension, run plesk bin extension –uninstall

Plesk Mail not working amavis error

When sending email from a Plesk server, i get error Aug 11 19:49:28 vmi274961 postfix/smtp[29276]: E413C3320265: to=, relay=none, delay=0.47, delays=0.47/0/0/0,

Uninsall Plesk Extension

Uninstall ImunifyAV on Plesk Server

ImunifyAV is a free antivirus for Linux Server. On a Plesk server, i installed paid version of ImunifyAV. Now plesk