PrestaShop Admin Auto Log Out

After migrating a PrestaShop site to a new server, logging in to the admin area shows the dashboard, and when

PrestaShop clean MySQL database tables

On a PrestaShop site, queries like the following get stuck forever SELECT c.id_guest, c.ip_address, c.date_add, c.http_referer, “-” as page FROM

PrestaShop Customer Service Page not working

On a PrestaShop site on clicking Customer Service link on the left menu, the page failed to load, it stuck

PrestaShop order comment in invoice

PrestaShop show order comment in PDF invoice

To show user comment in PrestaShop PDF invoice Edit file classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateInvoice.php vi classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateInvoice.php Inside function getContent(), find around line 161

Show weight in prestashop invoice

PrestaShop show total product weight in PDF invoice

To show total product weight in PrestaShop PDF invoice, edit file. vi classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateInvoice.php Inside function getContent(), on line 166, find

PrestaShop show customer email

PrestaShop add customer email to invoice

PrestaShop PDF invoice won’t show customer email address by default for some strange reason. To show the email address in

memcached telnet

Enable memcached on Magento 2 in Plesk Server

To install memcached, run apt install php-memcached apt install build-essential apt install autoconf automake gcc libmemcached-dev libhashkit-dev pkg-config plesk-php*-dev zlib1g-dev

PrestaShop Error Declaration of Cart::getPackageShippingCost

PrestaShop Error Declaration of Cart::getPackageShippingCost

On a PrestaShop site, i get error message (1/1) ContextErrorException Warning: Declaration of Cart::getPackageShippingCost($id_carrier = NULL, $use_tax = true, ?Country

PrestaShop SEO URL configuration

PrestaShop Product Images not showing

After migrating a PrestaShop 1.7 web site to another domain, site did not show product images. To fix this, you

Enable Debug in PrestaShop

Enable Debug in PrestaShop

To enable debug in Prestashop, edit file vi config/ Find define(‘_PS_MODE_DEV_’, false); Replace with define(‘_PS_MODE_DEV_’, true); Enable debug mode only

How to Clear Cache in PrestaShop

How to Clear Cache in PrestaShop

To clear cache in PrestaShop, login to admin area at Once logged in, go to Configure > Advanced Parameters



PrestaShop is a popular open-source e-commerce platform that allows users to create and manage their own online stores. PrestaShop Migration