Git stdin is not a tty

Git stdin is not a tty

When i push to get respo, i get error Other than this error on push and pull, everything worked fine.

Linux Commands

Linux Commands

General arch chsh – Change Linux user shell apropos whois uname chown at lynx setfacl tr System strace lsof lspci

strace: command not found

strace: command not found

This is because strace not installed on the server. Install it with yum



Linux Commands strace



strace command is used to trace system calls. This is useful to see what a process is doing. To see



MariaDB Repository Setup Script MariaDB DEFAULT NULL ERROR 1064 (42000) Install MariaDB 10.3 on CentOS 7

MariaDB Repository Setup Script

MariaDB Repository Setup Script

This script configure MariaDB repository on your server. You can find more details on offical page To setup mariadb

Ubuntu 18.04 desktop sharing

Enable Remote Desktop in Ubuntu 18.04

To enable remote desktop on Ubuntu 18.04 (works with newer Ubuntu versions), go to settings. Click on Sharing Click on


Install iftop from source on CentOS

iftop allow you to monitor network traffic like top command. You can download iftop source from Before installing, install

configure: error: can’t find pcap.h

configure: error: can’t find pcap.h

When installing a software from source, i get error To fix this on CentOS 7 server, run

Linux add a user to group with adduser

Linux add a user to group with adduser

adduser command like useradd, used to add a user to linux server. adduser is more interactive, while useradd require all

Scan a folder with clamscan

Scan a folder with clamscan

To scan a folder, run -r will scan sub folders too. To Scan a Folder (Only Show Infected) See clamav