Out Of Memory (OOM) Error

OOM (Out Of Memory) error happens when a server run out of Memory. When a server runs out of memory,

Odoo ERP

odoo Unable to find Wkhtmltopdf on this system

On an odoo installation, I got the error “Unable to find Wkhtmltopdf on this system”, when generating reports. This error


apt error doesn’t support architecture ‘i386’

On an Ubuntu server, when running “apt update” command, I got the following error message This error is because the

Failed to mount /sysroot XFS Boot failure

On an Amazon EC2 server, the server won’t boot. On checking the serial console, the server was stuck with an

Rocky Linux

How to install PPTP VPN on Rocky Linux 8

PPTP on Rocky Linux is provided by the EPEL repository, so enable EPEL repo by running Install the pptpd package

Allow PPTP VPN connection on firewalld

To allow PPTP VPN connection when using firewalls, run the following commands. Allow 1723/tcp Allow gre protocol or Enable IP


Autodeploy https://www.cyclic.sh https://tekton.dev/docs/getting-started/ – CI/CD CircleCI It is a cloud-based CI/CD service that can be used to build, test, and

How to take screenshot with ffmpeg

ffmpeg provides x11grab driver that can be used to take screenshots. You can use the following command to take screenshots,

pvcreate Device /dev/sdb excluded by a filter

When creating LVM physical volume with the command “pvcreate”, I got the following error This disk was previously used as

SSH Server refused our key

I got the following error when logging in to a server using SSH key authentication. I checked the log file

How to create public key from SSH private key?

Lost SSH public key, don’t worry, you can generate it from your private key file. If you have an SSH

How to check if ImageMagick is installed?

How to find ImageMagick is installed on the server, run Usually, it will be installed at – /usr/bin/convert On Ubuntu/Debian,