

LXC is Linux Container, allows you to run lightweight virtual servers on your computer. It is better use LXD instead

Create lxc container with lxc-create

Create lxc container with lxc-create

lxc-create is used to create lxc container. To create a container, run This will list all available containers. You can

shadowsocks firefox settings

install ShadowSocks client in Ubuntu 18.04

ShadowSocks client is part of shadowsocks package. This include both client and server. If you are looking to install server,

Setting up MineCraft Server in Ubuntu

Setting up MineCraft Server in Ubuntu

To setup MineCraft server on Ubuntu, first you need to install Java. Create a user to run minecraft You can

Configure OVH Bridge Network from command line

If you have a Proxmox or VmWare ESXi server on OVH network, you need to configure network interface once virtual

Install netdata on ArchLinux

Install netdata on ArchLinux

First update the packages with Install netdata Enable and start netdata

Ubuntu welcome message

Ubuntu remove SSH welcome message

When you login to an Ubuntu server using SSH, you get welcome message like On most Linux systems, this is


nmtui allow you to configure network interface if you are using network manager. On Debian/Ubuntu, it is part of network-manager

Install Linux Kernel 5.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Install Linux Kernel 5.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Ubuntu 18.04 was released with Linux kernel 4.15 On 8 Aug 2019, Cannonical released Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS with Linux Kernel

ping: unknown host localhost

ping: unknown host localhost

On a server, ping localhost did not work /etc/hosts files was proper, had entry for localhost. problem was due to

Zimbra Mail Server CentOS firewall settings

Zimbra Mail Server CentOS firewall settings

On CentOS 7 server with firewalld running, used following command to open ports used by Zimbra Mail Server. See Zimbra,

Zimbra redirect webmail http to https

Zimbra redirect webmail http to https

After Zimbra mail server installed, webmail work on url https://SERVER-HOSTNAME-HERE/ If you access webmail with out HTTPS, it won’t work.