Yum disable a repository

Yum disable a repository

To disable a repository, run To list all enabled repository, run

Install CentOS Web Panel (CWP)

Install CentOS Web Panel (CWP)

CentOS Web Panel (CWP) is a free hosting control panel for CentOS servers. CWP not working after hostname SSL install

Fix yum duplicate packages

Fix yum duplicate packages

On a CentOS server, when running It failed with following error https://gist.github.com/serverok/c0853120baff8848054cfb598e389c3a This is because previous “yum update” failed for

CentOS 7 Apache use PHP-FPM

CentOS 7 Apache use PHP-FPM

Install PHP-FPM with command Edit www.conf Find Replace with Find Replace with Edit php.conf Add Restart Apache/php-fpm Method 2 Here

CSF Firewall UI

Enable UI in CSF Firewall on CentOS

CSF Firewall come with standalone UI. This is disabled by default. On CentOS, install following requirments Edit CSF configuration file

How to Change User Password in CyberPanel

Login to CyberPanel at https://YOUR_SERVER_IP_ADDR:8090/ Once logged in you will see Click on the drop down icon. Click on “Edit

Secure Memcached on CentOS/RHEL 7

By default memcached on CentOS 7 is set to run on all IP address on the server. This allow attackers

RPM Package Manager

RPM Package Manager

rpmquery rpm verify packages How to remove a package without removing dependencies in RHEL List all files in an rpm

Open MySQL Port 3306 in CentOS 7

Open MySQL Port 3306 in CentOS 7

To allow MySQL to connect from remote server on CentOS 7 server, you need to enable port 3306 in firewall.

Install python 3.6 on CentOS 7

Install python 3.6 on CentOS 7

CentOS 7 come with Python 2.7. To install python 3.6, first install the EPEL repo. Install IUS repo. https://ius.io/setup For

Install Python 2.7 on CentOS 6

Install Python 2.7 on CentOS 6

CentOS 6 comes with python 2.6, to install python 2.7, first install gcc and dependencies yum Download latest Python 2.7

Install memcached on CentOS 7

Install memcached on CentOS 7

To install memcached on CentOS 7, run Set memcached to start on boot Start memcached with Installing PHP Module You