Enable SSL for icecast steam using nginx

Enable SSL for icecast steam using nginx

On ubuntu server running icecast, when i try enable SSL as per CentovaCast Enable SSL on icecast, i get following

Nginx Hotlink Protection

Nginx Hotlink Protection

To block hotlink protection or bandwidth stealing, you can add the following to the server configuration of your website. valid_referers

Nginx Proxy Manager Certificate Key is not valid

When adding custom SSL on Nginx Proxy Manager, i get following error. Upload failed: Certificate Key is not valid (Command

EasyEngine Could not create user

EasyEngine Could not create user

When creating a wordpress web site on EasyEngine, i get following error root@ee:~# ee site create smartandsolar.serverok.in –wp Starting site

How to block .git directory in nginx

How to block .git directory in nginx

When using git version control to deploy application, many forget to secure .git folder. This allows anyone to clone your

Enable Nginx Status Page

Enable Nginx Status Page

Nginx status is provided by http_stub_status module. To verify if your Nginx is installed with this module, run nginx -V

Plesk Nginx

Nginx upstream sent too big header

When I log in to a PrestaShop website, I get an error on a Plesk server. 502 Bad Gateway On

Country Blocking with nginx GeoIP on Ubuntu/Debian

Country Blocking with nginx GeoIP on Ubuntu/Debian

On Ubuntu/Debian, install nginx geoip module with apt install geoip-database libgeoip1 libnginx-mod-http-geoip -y Now edit nginx.conf vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf Find http

Nginx Web Server

Nginx Commands

Start Nginx nginx Stop Nginx nginx -s stop Reload Nginx nginx -s reload Test Nginx configuration nginx -t See Nginx

Nginx Web Server

Install Nginx from source

Install Requirements CentOS/RHEL/Fedora yum install glib2-devel openssl-devel pcre-devel bzip2-devel gzip-devel Ubuntu/Debian apt-get install libpcre3-dev Create nginx user useradd -c “Nginx

Nginx Proxy Manager

Install Nginx Proxy Manager

Nginx Proxy Manager is Docker based GUI for managing Nginx reverse proxy. It support LetsEncrypt free SSL. https://nginxproxymanager.com Nginx Proxy

LetsEncrypt SSL On Nginx Password Protected site

LetsEncrypt SSL On Nginx Password Protected site

When you develop a web site, you will need it password protected so others won’t see or you don’t want