Category: Linux

  • Find Disk Usage in Linux

    du command shows disk usage.

    du -h --max-depth=1

    If you want to sort the result, see How to sort the result of du -h command

    To see disk usage on the current partition only, run

    du -hx --max-depth=1

    To sort by disk space

    du -k --max-depth=1 | sort -n

    To display the top 20 largest folders/files

    du -ahx . | sort -rh | head -20
    du -h | sort -hr | head -n  30
  • Convert PFX SSL Certificate

    Mcrosoft Azure App Certificate is used to secure Azure App Services, now they allow export of this SSL certificate in PFX format, so it can be used in other services like Azure VM or third party applications. You need to use a powershell script provided by Microsoft to do the Export.

    To use the SSL certficiate in FPX format in Apache or Nginx web server, you need to convert it.

    To do this, run

    openssl pkcs12 -in ssl.pfx  -nocerts -out key.pem

    It will ask for Import password. If you enter a password during pfx file creation, enter it. If not just press enter.

    Next it ask for PEM password, enter a password, with out password, it won’t work.

    We have key.pem, that is password protected, we need to remove key file with out password, for this, run

    openssl rsa -in key.pem -out key-no-pw.key

    To export certificate file from PFX file, run

    openssl pkcs12 -in ssl.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out cert.pem

    Convert SSL certificate into PFX format

  • Fixing Linux Problems with Chroot

    If you want to reset password or fix some booting issue, you may need to boot the server in rescue, then mount old live disks and chroot it. Once it is done, you will be able to run commands like passwd to change password or install any missing software with apt/dnf/yum etc.

    To chroot a file system, run

    mkdir /mnt
    mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt
    mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt/boot
    cd /mnt
    mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
    mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys
    mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc
    mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts/
    chroot /mnt

    In the above example /dev/sdc1 was / partition. /dev/sdc2 was /boot.

    Once you chroot, you can change the root password on the server with the command


    If you use LVM for root partition, do

    vgscan && vgchange -ay vgubuntu
    mount /dev/VG_NAME/root /mnt
  • Check for Symlink Attack on Cpanel Server

    Symlink Attack allow a hacker to hack one web site and gain access to another Apache Virtual Hosts in a cpanel server. Hacker will be able to get read access to files on other hosting accounts, with that, they can read web site config files, giving them MySQL or other login info stored in configuration files.

    To check if your server have infected with symlink attack, run

    find /home/*/public_html -type l > /root/smylinks.txt

    Check the content of the file “/root/smylinks.txt”. if you see any site having too many symlinks to other sites, your server is infected with symlink attack.

    To prevent this, you can install CloudLinux CageFS.

  • Install SSL Certificate in Virtualmin

    Install SSL Certificate in Virtualmin

    To install SSL certificate in Virtualmin, select the domain from drop down list of Virtualmin.

    On left Menu, go to Server Configuration > SSL Certificate

    Virtualmin SSL Install

    If you want to install Free LetsEncypt SSL, click on “Let’s Encrypt” link on top. On next page

    Virtalmin Letsencrypt

    Click on “Request Certificate”.

  • PowerShell

    Install PowerShell in Debian 9
    Downloading a file with PowerShell

    To install Azure PowerShell Module, run

    Install-Module AzureRM
    Install-Module Azure
  • Install PowerShell in Debian 9

    To install Microsoft PowerShell in Debian 9, run

    apt-get update
    apt-get install curl gnupg apt-transport-https

    Install GPG keys

    curl | apt-key add -

    Add repository

    echo "deb [arch=amd64] stretch main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft.list

    Install powershell

    apt-get update && apt-get install -y powershell

    To start powershell, run

  • Install CentOS Web Panel (CWP)

    CentOS Web Panel (CWP) is a free hosting control panel for CentOS servers.

    CentOS Web Panel

    To install CentOS Web Panel, run

    yum -y install wget
    cd /usr/local/src
    sh cwp-latest

    CWP use same Ports as popular Cpanel control panel.

    Admin Panel

    CWP Admin Panel available on following URL.

    You can login with system user “root” and its password.


    User Panel




    On CWP server, you can find MySQL login details in following config files.


    Document Root

    Web site files are stored in folder /home/USER/public_html

    Stop/Start Services

    systemctl start cwpsrv
    systemctl start cwp-phpfpm
    systemctl start httpd

    php-fpm used by cwp control panel

    systemctl stop cwpsrv-phpfpm
    systemctl start cwpsrv-phpfpm
    socket = /usr/local/cwp/php71/var/sockets/cwpsrv.sock

    Service files are stored in /usr/lib/systemd/system/

    Web Server

    CWP support multiple web servers. For Apache, it is installed in folder


    Apache config file is /usr/local/apache/conf.d/vhosts.conf

    CPW have its own apache package with name “cwp-httpd”, don’t use default httpd package provided by CentOS.

    CWP server log can be found at


    See Hosting Control Panel

  • Install Plesk On Linux Server

    Install Plesk On Linux Server

    To install Plesk Control Panel on Linux Server, run

    chmod +x plesk-installer

    Once install completed, you will be asked to log in to Plesk URL

    Once on the page, you will be asked to create an admin user.

    Once this is done, Plesk is ready to use.

    You can start/stop Plesk with the command

    systemctl stop psa
    systemctl start psa
  • Transfer files between computers with netcat

    You can use netcat (nc) to copy file from one computer/server to another.

    On destination computer

    Run netcat in listening mode.



    nc -l -s -p 5555 > azure-nginx.tar

    On Source computer

    This is the computer from where you copying file from. To copy a file, run



    cat nginx.tar | nc 5555