ISPConfig 3 configuration files

ISPConfig 3 configuration files

ISPConfig 3 configuration files are are located in folder DocumentRoot Config file for webmail/phpmyadmin Config for ispconfig web interface

Odoo apt signatures couldn’t be verified

Odoo apt signatures couldn’t be verified

When updating apt on Ubuntu server, i get following error To fix, run

How to enable slow query log in MySQL/MariaDB

How to enable slow query log in MySQL/MariaDB

To enable MySQL slow query login, edit my.cnf file For MariaDB, edit Add Restart MySQL On CentOS, the command is

Installing tomcat on Ubuntu

Installing tomcat on Ubuntu

How to find java version Install Tomcat on CentOS 7 To install tomcat on Ubuntu 18.04, run Start tomcat with

Domain Resolver

Domain Resolver

Disable systemd-resolved CentOS 7 resolv.conf make changes permanent Ubuntu use systemd-resolve, to see status, run On Linux, Domain resolver configuration

CentOS 7 Apache use PHP-FPM

CentOS 7 Apache use PHP-FPM

Install PHP-FPM with command Edit www.conf Find Replace with Find Replace with Edit php.conf Add Restart Apache/php-fpm Method 2 Here

Ubuntu AppArmor

Ubuntu AppArmor

To see status of apparmor, run AppArmor config files in You can stop start AppArmor with Disable AppArmor MySQL not

MySQL not starting on Ubuntu 18.04

MySQL did not start on Ubuntu 18.04 server. This is fresh server, i removed all MySQL packages, removed configuration files.



Clean tmp folder in Linux OpenLiteSpeed move Swapping Directory How to increase /tmp partition size How to Increase size of

Clean tmp folder in Linux

Clean tmp folder in Linux

On Linux servers, you may face disk space or inode limit reaching on /tmp partition due to large number of

CSF Firewall UI

Enable UI in CSF Firewall on CentOS

CSF Firewall come with standalone UI. This is disabled by default. On CentOS, install following requirments Edit CSF configuration file

LetsEncrypt SSL for webmin server

Webmin run on port 10000 over HTTPS. By default webmin use self signed SSL certificate. To use SSL for webmin,