WordPress Toolkit

How to Enable WordPress Toolkit in Cpanel/WHM

WordPress Toolkit in Cpanel/WHM allows you to easily install and manage WordPress websites. To install WordPress Toolkit, log in to

Check if Cpanel Server need reboot from command line

Check if Cpanel Server need reboot from command line

To check if Cpanel/WHM server need reboot from command line, run whmapi1 system_needs_reboot Example On a server with latest kernal

Roundcube Webmail Logs in Cpanel Server

Roundcube Webmail Logs in Cpanel Server

Roundcube logs that are located at the following paths: /var/cpanel/roundcube/log/errors /var/cpanel/roundcube/log/sendmail /var/cpanel/roundcube/log/sendmail have logs for every email sent. See Cpanel

WHM Cpanel Service Manager

How to Disable Mailman in cPanel?

Mailman is a mailing list management software that comes by default on Cpanel Servers. Most websites don’t need this feature.

disable cPHulk

Disable cPHulk Brute Force Protection

Cpanel Servers have a bruceforce attack detection module called cPHulk Brute Force Protection. In case your server have another bruteforce

Modify Apache Virtual Host for a site in Cpanel Server

Modify Apache Virtual Host for a site in Cpanel Server

On Cpanel server Apache configuration file get recreated every time you modify or add a new web site. In cause

Configure Cpanel Server service using whmapi1

Configure Cpanel Server service using whmapi1

To disable monitoring of MySQL service, run whmapi1 configureservice service=mysql enabled=1 monitored=0 This wil prevent MySQL service get auto started.

Cpanel Server Setup

Cpanel Server Setup

Cpanel Server Disk Partition Install Cpanel Control Panel Cpanel Statistics Software Configuration Enable CloudLinux PHP lsapi Update Cpanel License Key

Cpanel Statistics Software Configuration

Cpanel Statistics Software Configuration

Cpanel provide 3 different Statistics programs (Analog, AWStats and Webalizer). Enabling all 3 is not required as it use more

powerdns cpanel

powerdns cpanel

# service pdns status 25512: Child running on pid 25514 # PowerDNS Process # ps aux | grep pdns root

Update Cpanel License Key

Update Cpanel License Key

To update cpanel server license, run /usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt Example [root@pbcp-22-01 ~]# /usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt Updating cPanel license…Done. Update succeeded. Building global cache for

Enable ModSecurity in Cpanel Server

Login to WHM. Go to ModSecurity™ Vendors. By default cpanel come with “OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set V3.0” rule. To