apt error after MariaDB to MySQL change

apt error after MariaDB to MySQL change

I have install MariaDB on a Ubuntu 16.04 server. Then installed Virtualmin, that require MySQL, so it removed MariaDB and

apt show

apt show

apt show command shows information about a package. See apt policy apt

apt policy

apt policy

apt policy command show information about a package. It shows the installed version “Installed: 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.5” and the repo from where



PHP Script to Find GeoIP info Install GeoIP Apache Module in CentOS Install GeoIP PHP Module in Ubuntu Country Blocking

Virtualmin Hosting Control Panel

Virtualmin Hosting Control Panel

To install Virtualmin on Ubuntu, run To install with Nginx, run Virtualmin Downloading PHP file Install SSL Certificate in Virtualmin

Enable LetsEncrypt SSL in ISPConfig

Enable LetsEncrypt SSL in ISPConfig

Login to ISPConfig at https://your-server-ip:8080 On main menu, click on “Sites”. It will show all available web sites on your

Install tmux on CentOS 6

Install tmux on CentOS 6

tmux is a terminal emulator. It work like screen, but have more features. CentOS 6 do not come with tmux,



Webmin is an open source control panel to manage Linux and FreeBSD servers. http://www.webmin.com Download Latest source distribution from http://www.webmin.com/download.html



Enable sar in Ubuntu install sysstat on CentOS View Past Performance Data With sar

Enable sar in Ubuntu

Enable sar in Ubuntu

On Ubuntu, when i run sar, i get error This is because sysstat is not enabled by default on Ubuntu,

Backup with tar

Backup with tar

To backup a site using tar, i created a shell script. With following content For weekly backup Make it executable



Auto backup all your MySQL databases daily, weekly and monthly. To install on Debian/Ubuntu, run To manually backup, run MySQL